FAQ on Chronic Hives with Dr. Siri

Click here to listen to an interview about Chronic Hives by Dr. Dareen Siri

**Q0:**  What are chronic hives are and how they differ from regular hives?
**A0:** Chronic hives, also known as chronic urticaria, are a skin condition characterized by the appearance of itchy, red welts or raised bumps on the skin. Some people get a deeper skin swelling that is like large hives which we call Angioedema. These hives persist for more than six weeks, and unlike regular hives, they may not have an obvious trigger or cause. Regular hives, on the other hand, typically resolve within a few hours to a day and are often triggered by allergies or other factors.

**Q1:** What causes chronic hives, and who is most susceptible to developing this condition?
**A1:** The exact cause of chronic hives can be challenging to pinpoint, but it’s thought to involve an autoimmune response, where the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its own tissues, leading to the release of histamine and other chemicals that cause hives. Common triggers may include stress, certain foods, medications, temperature changes, and infections. Chronic hives can affect people of all ages, but it’s more prevalent in adults, particularly women. It’s essential to consult with an allergist or dermatologist to diagnose and manage the condition effectively.

**Q2:** Are chronic hives a sign of a severe allergic reaction, or are they mostly harmless?
**A2:** Chronic hives can be distressing and uncomfortable, but they are generally harmless and not life-threatening. However, they can significantly impact a person’s quality of life, causing sleep disturbances, anxiety, and even depression. It’s crucial to seek medical attention to rule out any underlying health issues and to manage the symptoms effectively.

**Q3:** How prevalent is the issue of chronic hives?
**A3:** About 0.5 to 1 percent of the world’s population suffer from chronic hives. It is an immune system going haywire, causing severe and constant itching that can affect every part of the body, leading to anxiety, depression, sleep problems, embarrassment, and social disruption.

**Q4:** What treatment options are available for chronic hives?
**A4:** The treatment approach aims to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. Antihistamines are typically the first line of defense. If antihistamines don’t provide sufficient relief, other medications like corticosteroids, leukotriene receptor antagonists, or biologics may be considered. Identifying and avoiding potential triggers, managing stress, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also help reduce the frequency and intensity of chronic hives.

**Q5:** Are there any natural remedies or lifestyle changes to complement medical treatments for chronic hives?
**A5:** Yes, these include applying cold compresses, wearing loose-fitting clothing, avoiding hot baths or showers, avoiding aspirin or NSAIDS if sensitive, practicing stress-reduction techniques, and keeping a food diary to identify and eliminate potential trigger foods. It’s essential to discuss any complementary approaches with a healthcare professional.

**Q6:** How can people with chronic hives prevent flare-ups?
**A6:** While complete prevention may be challenging, avoiding triggers, managing stress, maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, and following the prescribed treatment plan can reduce the frequency and severity of flare-ups.

**Q7:** Are there any new treatments available for chronic hives and how can someone get involved in clinical trials?
**A7:** There are always new therapies being developed. We are currently running two studies for people with chronic hives. Those interested can contact our research department for more details.

**Q8:** Do you have any final thoughts or key takeaways for individuals dealing with chronic hives?
**A8:** If you or someone you know has persistent hives for more than six weeks, seek professional medical advice. Chronic hives are manageable, and with the right treatment and lifestyle adjustments, individuals can lead a comfortable and fulfilling life.

**Q9:** Where can individuals reach out for more information or assistance regarding chronic hives?
**A9:** We are accepting new patients in all our offices. They can contact us at 217-717-4404 or visit our website asthma2.com.