What To Expect During Your First Visit
Midwest Allergy Sinus Asthma, SC
A patient may expect to have a thorough medical history taken and a physical examination performed during their first visit. Please make sure that you bring along the completed questionnaire included in the packet received by mail or off our website. If possible, prior to your visit please request a copy of your medical records be released to our office. To assist in this, a records release form may be downloaded from our website. Also, please bring along all of your current medications.
At the initial visit with the allergist, appropriate laboratory, radiologic, pulmonary and skin tests are ordered and performed. These procedures help to better define your problem and establish a proper diagnosis in order to guide therapy. On some occasions, all of the testing cannot be completed during the first visit. The visit can last 2-4 hours. Please wear comfortable clothing. Allergy testing may be performed on the back or arms.
For accurate results from allergy testing, it is important that you be off antihistamines for at least 7 days, (Click here for a list) please call us for details or if you do not think you can hold antihistamine therapy for that timeframe. Do not stop any asthma medications or other prescription medications prior to your visit.
The first visit will provide a plan for any further evaluation and for a program of management and treatment of your condition.